
7. Developing the Potato Sector in Bangladesh




Whole Bangladesh






Initial: 28 months (March 2010 – June 2012)
Extended: 6 months (July 2012 – December 2012)




Now-a-days, potato is considered as being the most important crop of farmers only second to Rice. It is grown mostly everywhere in Bangladesh with special concentration in Northern part of the country and central part also. However, this sub-sector is not paying regular dividend as faces several constraints. Out of them, diseases and post harvest loss are considerably the most important that result in lower income of farmers. In several occasions, potato became the most disappointing crop for the farmers as it did not cover the cost of production. Bangladesh Government has also given priority in potato production, though their initiatives and interventions are not sufficient enough. To bring out systemic change in the potato market, GMark brings more private sector actors together to create efficient value chain.

Intervention Areas

To improve the competitiveness of potato farmers by increasing productivity and price, GMark facilitates different interventions in the following areas.

1. Improving competitiveness of potato farmers by increasing productivity through adopting proper usage of quality inputs.
2. Improving competitiveness of potato farmers by increasing price through cultivating industrial/export varieties.
3. Improving competitiveness of potato farmers by increasing price due to quality by adopting modern on-farm and off-farm technologies related to post harvest management.
Result After successfully maneuver the intervention ‘Improving knowledge of farmers regarding appropriate usage of inputs’, a total 41,635 farmers were benefitted with a cumulative additional profit of BDT 22,984.
  Promoting production of industrial varieties of potato’ benefitted 4862 farmers through receiving of better market price and approximate 106,180 farmers received the fruit of the activities of the intervention ‘Improving post-harvest information services and post-harvest management through private sector’.
Partners Bangladesh Cold Storage Association Blue Moon International
  Bangladesh Potato Exporters Meem Seed
  Association SAMP Ltd.
  Northern Agro Services Limited (NASL) Petrochem (BD) Ltd.
    Ferdous Biotech (Pvt.) Ltd.

Contact Us

GMark Consulting Limited

Address: Suite - 201, House - 145
Road - 03, Block – A
Niketon, Gulshan 1
Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.
Telephone: +880-2-8836775
Cell: +880-1715-607202