
10. Market Development in the Rangpur Pond Fisheries Sector




Greater Rangpur, Bangladesh






45 Months (July 2006 – March 2010)
Initial Duration: 15 Months (July 2006 – September 2007)
Extended Duration: 16 Months (October 2007 – January 2009)
Extended Duration: 14 Months (February 2009 – March 2010)




The culture of fish has been developed in last two decades through introduction of exotic high growth species, increased commercial orientation, improved cultivation technique and management, and enhanced capacity of market players. This development has been translated into the improvement of livelihoods of vast poor associated with this sector through increase in income. The key factors of this project were facilitating service market actors to make efficient fish value chain that works in favor of poor farmers who are subsequently outnumbered the rich category in the targeting working area.

Intervention Areas

A sub-sector study was conducted to find out the constraints impeding the developments and creating barriers to entry into the value chain. Based on the analysis, GMark designed and carried out several interventions to address those constraints and to avail the opportunities for this sector.

1. Increasing the capabilities of the farmers by introducing modern technologies around them and facilitate them to provide improve services to the farmers.
2. Improving the channel to make quality brood fish available in the project area.
3. Improving the hatchery management procedures by experts and linking them with research institutes.
4. Improving cultivation technology through partnering with the private input sellers like fish medicine, fish feed marketing companies, fingerling traders and fish nurseries in the region.
5. Promoting new technology especially new species and other hardware for fish cultivation.
6. Facilitating the formation of a common body and to make them capable to introduce and adopt new fish technologies and to move the sector forward.
Partners AftabBohumukhi Farms Limited Popular Pharmaceuticals Limited
  Fishtech Limited District Fisheries Association (DFA)
  Organic Pharma Department of Fisheries (DoF)
  Acme Laboratories Ltd.  

Contact Us

GMark Consulting Limited

Address: Suite - 201, House - 145
Road - 03, Block – A
Niketon, Gulshan 1
Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.
Telephone: +880-2-8836775
Cell: +880-1715-607202