
05. Baseline Study for Agriculture and Nutrition Extension Project (ANEP)


iDE Bangladesh


Barisal Sadar, Mehendgonj and Hizla Unions of Barisal District






October 21- December 31, 2012




International Development Enterprises (IDE) in collaboration with Save the Children (SC), The International Centre for Maize and Wheat Improvement (CIMMYT), The World Fish Centre (WF), The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), and local NGO partners, is implementing a European Commission (EC) funded "Agriculture and Nutrition Extension Project (ANEP)". The three year duration project commenced from January 1, 2012, and is being implemented in Nepal and Bangladesh.

In order to create the benchmarks for the project's defined targets and indicators in the project log frame, IDE commissioned GMark to conduct a baseline survey to identify the baseline indicators for each of the target set. These baseline indicators will be the guiding pillars to measure project's achievements and outputs towards the end.


The study analyzedGMark will prepare a pre-project / baseline information of the target beneficiaries (vegetable, cereal and fish producers; and urban consumers) as well as the value chain actors as per the indicators of projects objectives, specific objectives and expected results specified in the project document and project log-frame.

The specific tasks that GMark will carry out are collecting and analyzing of:

Verifiable indicators from the project log-frame,
Relevant information of current situation of project's targeted beneficiaries (including disadvantaged households and females), service providers, and/or related stakeholders.
Relevant information in terms of sources and level of income, food security situation, access and control to available productive resources and malnutrition.

Contact Us

GMark Consulting Limited

Address: Suite - 201, House - 145
Road - 03, Block – A
Niketon, Gulshan 1
Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.
Telephone: +880-2-8836775
Cell: +880-1715-607202