
2. Market and Value Chain Program Design Exercise for ASSEDO, Rajshahi










December 2014




ASSEDO in its beginning conducted survey to identify the problem and challenges especially agricultural field along with the cross cutting issues gender diversity, rights, governance and so on. Beyond the charland issue, Day by day it attracts diverse people to contribute for the vulnerable group. ASSEDO facilitating in its programmatic planning priorities and main focus on underlying causes of poverty & HLS (Household Livelihood Security). Now, ASSEDO want work on Market and value chain of Barind area through small and poor farmers.

Specific objective are:

1. To select the highest potential crops/value chain(s) involved of Rajshahi and ChapaiNowabgonj district in Barind areas considering the benefits of poor and marginal farmers.
2. Conduct an assessment of the selected value chain including;
identifying and interviewing key market actors,
developing a value chain map, and
identifying key constraints in the value chain(s); and
identify and assess market-based intervention to the key constraints in the value chain(s);
3. Identify illustrative value chain program activities, including specific potential project facilitation activities in coordination with ASSEDO.
4. Debrief ASSEDO at the end of the exercise to present key points and recommendations;
5. Produce a final written report, including theory of change or logic model for a new VC program development, work plan and suggestions for monitoring and evaluation of the new value chain program.


The study analyzed following issues of the project:
Assess present status and identify gaps in the value chains
End markets assessment
Identify and assess market based solutions
Participatory program activity design
Identify and select illustrative project facilitation activities

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