
03. Market And Value Chain Assessment Of Organic Products


USC Canada-Bangladesh


Thakurgaon, Panchagoan






April to May 2014




Since 2010, USCCB (the country office of USC Canada in Bangladesh) has been implementing USC’s Global Seeds of Survival program locally titles as ‘Adolescent’s Livelihood Opportunity (ALO)’. The program aims to tackle agro biodiversity related problems in a comprehensive way. It supports for marketing of the organic products (such as: vegetables, organic fertilizer, pesticide, local seeds etc) by organizing ‘Eco Fair’ participating by various stakeholders including market actors and supporting farmers to access local markets.

Based on these initial successes, USCC-B wants to scale its marketing and commercialization activities. To this end in order to explore further market development opportunities of the organic products, USCC-B has assigned GMark to conduct a ‘Market and Value Chain Assessment’ of organic products in the ALO program areas. By analysing gathered information of the assessment, USCC-B intends to develop a ‘Market and Value Chain Development’ pilot project with the objective to contribute in improving sustainable income opportunities of the young farmers.


The Markets and Value Chain Assessment will be able to find

A definitive picture of organic markets and potential sub-sectors to contribute in organic basket
A suggestive guideline of programmatic approach and design focusing on piloting and scale potential; if any
Potential leverage and Scale opportunity in the sector

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