
05. Study on Value Chain analysis of "Safe Dry and processed Fish Products (i.e. filet, canned fish etc.)"


Palli karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF)


Chittagong, Cox’sbazaar, Dhaka






February to March 2014




The Palli karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) in collaboration with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is in the process of designing a sector development project titled Promoting Agricultural Commercialization and Enterprise (PACE) by adopting value chain development approach. To assist the design process PKSF has decided to study value chains of selected subsectors, mostly in non-farm areas


GMark analyzed following issues in the safe dry and processed fish sectors:

Key value chain activities.
Existing business development services/ service provision for small scale farmers; role of the private and public sectors support in the value chains.
Cost and revenue drivers for MSME's; monetary flow in value chain.
Highlight specific policy and programme gaps on the development of dry and processed fish products value chains in Bangladesh and
Risk assessment in promoting safe dry and processed fish.

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