
07. Study on Duck and Maize Value Chain in Bangladesh


Oxfam GB, Bangladesh


North-eastern Haors;
Northern Chars and
Coastal South areas






March – May 2013




Oxfam GB, Bangladesh has been implementing two projects entitled "Resilience through Economic Empowerment, Climate Adaptation, Leadership and Learning (REE-CALL)" and "Wellbeing through Empowerment, Adaptation, Livelihoods, Resilience, and Transformational actions for vulnerable people living in Haor (WEALTH)" that promote building a resilient community to anticipate and combat the risks associated with disaster and climate change adaptation through economic empowerment, securing sustainable livelihood for women and men and developing women economic leadership in disaster prone NorthernChars, North-eastern Haors and Southern Coastal communities. The project is implementing a dairy value chain in the char areas on pilot basis. As part of the strengthening the dairy value chain in char areas, Oxfam GB commissioned two value chain analysis (Duck and Maize) study to GMark Consulting Limited to identify the root causes of constraints and opportunities for the chain’s development in Northern char areas of Bangladesh.


GMark analyzed following issues in the dairy sector in the chars:

Key value chain activities.
Existing business development services/ service provision for small scale farmers; role of the private and public sectors support in the value chains.
Gender analysis of the value chain while highlighting different positions of men and women across the chain and power relationship; gendered market mapping, and problems faced by women.
Cost and revenue drivers for farmers and processors; monetary flow in value chain.
Highlight specific policy and programme gaps on the development of duck and maize value chains in Bangladesh and
Risk assessment in promoting Duck and Maize value chains; impact of climate change on duck and maize sub-sectors.

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GMark Consulting Limited

Address: Suite - 201, House - 145
Road - 03, Block – A
Niketon, Gulshan 1
Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.
Telephone: +880-2-8836775
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